David Poulter C. - Epimofosis
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David Poulter C.


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Poulter David is a British trained Physical Therapist. He emigrated to Australia in 1986 where he ran a private practice specializing in treating musculoskeletal problems.

He obtained his Diploma in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy in 1992. On completion of his diploma course he moved to New Zealand to teach the McKenzie Institute International Diploma course. David spent 3 years working alongside Robin McKenzie developing the diploma program. In 1995 he moved the McKenzie Diploma course to Coon Rapids, Minnesota, to it’s new home at Two Rivers Center. David was the McKenzie Institute International Director of Education from 1996-1998 inclusive. He taught the diploma course from 1995-2000 at the Two Rivers clinic and for NovaCare after 1998. He was a Senior Faculty Member of the US McKenzie Institute from 1995-2000, and a senior faculty member of the McKenzie Institute International from 1992-2000. After leaving the McKenzie Institute, David has been developing and teaching his own courses based on the “Patient Centered Model.” He has presented his two main courses “Patients have all the Answers”, and “Telling isn’t Teaching” in Britain, Sweden, Denmark, Greece and the USA. More recently he has developed and presented two courses on Spinal Differentiation and Manual techniques in a Patient Centered Paradigm.

David is currently employed by NovaCare’s Mid Western Region and is situated at the NovaCare Clinic, Coon Rapids, Minnesota, where he is a multi center manager and clinical leader.