Heidi Tanno – Rast - Epimofosis
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Heidi Tanno – Rast


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Tanno – Rast Heidi
dipl. Physiotherapeuten, Triggerpunkt – Therapeutin

Born 3.3.1953 Hochdorf/Switzerland (Nationality: Swiss)
1960 – 1969     Primary and secondary School, Hochdorf, Switzerland
1969 – 1971     Handelsschule Frei, Lucerne, Switzerland
1971               Diplome (Handelsdiplom)
1971 – 1974     Bethesda Physiotherapy School, Basel, Switzerland
1974               Diploma Physiotherapist Professional Background
1974 -1975      Physiotherapist Hospital, Scuol, Switzerland
1975 -1977      Physiotherapist, Rheumatic- Orthopaedic Practice, Dr. med. Albert
Ackermann, Lucerne, Switzerland
since 1978      Own private Physiotherapy Practice (with 6 physiotherapists)
1995               Member IMTT Instructor Team, Winterthur, Switzerland
since 1998      Instructor IMTT with regular courses at:

    Bethesda Hospital, Basel, Switzerland
    FBZ, Klagenfurt Austria
    WBZ, Linz, Austria
    Slovenian Physiotherapy Association, Ljubljana, Slovenia

since 2004      President IMTT, Switzerland

Post Graduate Education

1980                „Manual Medicine“, SAMT (Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe für Manuelle Therapie)
1981                „Dynamic Spine Therapy (Horn)“
1986 -1988     FBL (Funktionelle Bewegungslehre) (Dr. Klein- Vogelbach)
1989                Foundation of the Back School (together with VITA Insurances, Dr. V. Dvorak)
1989 -1995      Education in “Manual Trigger Point Therapy” (Dr.med. B. Dejung),
1996                “Dry Needling for Therapists” (C. Waumsley)
1996- 1997      Maitland Level 1 (G. Dollenz)
1997                “Manual Mobilisation with Movement” (B. Mulligan)
1998                “Segmental Stabilisation” (Ch. Hamilton)
1999                Mc Connell Concept (R. Bäni)
2003                “Therapeutic Climbing” (D. Scharler)
2004                “Dry Needling” (Ch. Gröbli)
2005                „Explain Pain“ (D. Butler)
2007                NLP (Neuro-Linguistisches Programmieren) (A. Beer)