Dr. med Hannes Müller-Ehrenberg (MD) born in Mainz (Germany)has studied medicine in Cologne (Germany).
During his training as an orthopeadic surgeon he visited courses of myofascial trigger point therapy in Switzerland and Germany.
After his orthopeadic specialisation he started working in his own orthopeadic office in his home town Münster (Germany).
He is since 10 years involved in the training of myofascial trigger point therapy teaching the „Swiss approach“.
Together with some German experts of pain and myofascial trigger points he founded the German Myofascial Pain society MGMS (Medizinische Gesellschaft für myofasziale Schmerzen) of whom he is since 2006 the President.
He is present on many national and international congresses as an active speaker.
He was the first medical therapist to acknoledge the great advantages of focused shockwave therapy ESWT for the diagnosis and treatment of trigger points.