Monica Pessler - Epimofosis
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Monica Pessler


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Nusser-Muller-Busch Ricki, MSc (Neuroreha) Born and grown-up in Vienna, Speech & language therapist

Head of department of speech and language therapy and member of the ambulance-team for swallowing disorders at Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin, Germany (trauma centre for severly injured;,

Instructor Facio-Oral Tract Therapy (F.O.T.T.® Coombes;,
Bobath-therapist (children), Master of Science (Neurorehabilitation)
Konzeptentwicklung (gemeinsam mit Renata Horst): Manuelle Schlucktherapie


Seidl RO, Nusser-Müller-Busch R, Hollweg W, Westhofen M (2007): Pilot study on a neurophysiological dysphagia therapy for neurological patients. Clinical Rehabilitation 2007; Vol 21 Nr 8; 686-697, Sage Publications

Seidl RO, Nusser-Müller-Busch R (2007) Schluckrehabilitation nach moderner Tumortherapie im Kopf-Hals-Bereich, Laryngo-Rhino-Otol

Seidl RO, Nusser-Müller-Busch R, Westhofen M, Ernst A (2008): Oropharyngeal findings of endoscopic examination in swallowing disorders of neurological origin. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2008 Aug; 265(8):963-70. Epub 2008 Jan 9 Springer online DOI 10.1007/s00405 007-0559-7

Nusser-Müller-Busch R: Die Entwicklung von Konsensusempfehlungen zur Facio-Oralen Trakt Therapie (F.O.T.T.). Neuro Rehabil 2008; 14 (5):275-281

Nusser-Müller-Busch R (2009): ATL Essen und Trinken. In „Thiemes Pflege“, Hrsg.: Schewior-Popp, Sitzmann, Ullrich, 11. Aufl. Thieme Stuttgart

 Penner H, Bur T, Nusser-Müller-Busch R, Oster P: Logopädisches Vorgehen bei Dysphagien im Rahmen der Palliativmedizin. Z Palliativmed 2010; 11: 1–13

Seidl RO, Nusser-Müller-Busch R, Kurzweil M, Niedeggen A (2010) Dysphagia in acute tetraplegics: a retrospective study Spinal Cord (2010) 48, 197-201

Seidl RO, Wolf D, Nusser-Müller-Busch R, Niedeggen A: Airway management in acute tetraplegics – a retrospective study Eur Spine J. 2010 Jul; 19(7):1073-8. Epub 2010 Feb 24.

Nusser-Müller-Busch R.(Hrsg.): Die Therapie des Facio-Oralen Trakts. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 3rd edition 2010

Schultheiss c, Nusser-Müller-Busch R, Seidl RO: The bolus swallow test for clinical diagnosis of dysphagia – a prospective randomised study – in preparationPessler Monica PT, MSc, Bobath Senior Instructor (IBITA)
1976-79 training as a physiotherapist at the state certified School for Physiotherapy in Erlangen.
1979-85 work at the Neurological University Clinic of Erlangen as a physiotherapist.
1985-88 additional pedagogical training at the governmental academy for teachers in Dillingen /Germany and 2 years of studies at the German Center for Public Health Care in Frankfurt.
1985-89 work as full-time teacher at the state certified School for Physiotherapy in Erlangen.
1987 qualified as Bobath instructor (IBITA).
1997 qualified as Advanced course instructor (IBITA).
2004 qualified as Senior Instructor (IBITA).
Since 1990 freelancing various neurological clinics in Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Denmark.
Since 1987 teaching as Bobath instructor in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Denmark, Poland and Brazil.
Since 2005 as a clinical supervisor in the Bobath concept at the Therapy Center in Burgau (D).
She has been awarded a Master of Sciences degree  from at the Danube University Krems (A) Neurorehabilitation (MSc) 2014.